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Tuesday, September 06, 2005

I was at CiCi's Pizza tonight with some friends. I was in a pretty good mood. I was having fun. Having fun is very important in life. Fun comes around in many different ways. The thing is it doesn't have to be complicated. For the longest time I chose to live in the darkest of places, knew the world was pretty messed up, so I figured who cares anymore, and found that I enjoyed the dark place of self loathing. In the last three years I have begun to enjoy life. Life on its terms, God's terms however that is. There is a lot of sweet and sour to that.

People who know me know my sense of humor is a little, what one might call, off. It hasn't changed and I am not sure it will. For some reason I like to find the humor of life, with the full belief God had a sense of humor, and I can prove it, look at the girraffe, and the zebra. I mean come on, stripes?

Anyway I as at CiCi's and I wanted the cheesy breadsticks. So I walked to the front, and there was one crusty ol cheesy bread stick. Then I looked and saw the man behind the counter bringing a full tray from right out the cooker. I said to the man "you read my mind, How did you know I wanted cheesy breadsticks?" then I shook my plate at him and in a voice above my inside voice but not yelling I said "GET OUT OF MY MIND" got my cheesy breadsticks and sat down. It was all worth the look he gave me.

To us and our good fortune
be happy be healthy long life
and if our good fortune never comes
here's to whatever comes
drink LaChaim
To life!!!!


Andrew Mount said...

The funny thing is, I can actually see you saying that to the pizza guy in my head. Classic Justin. I've actually received "the look" in your stead when we were out and about, which was amusing x 2. You should swing by the Burg if you are still in OH!

AlphaTau37 said...

Wish I could've seen the look. I imagine it was classic.