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Monday, September 18, 2006

rebelion and what not

I went to a conservative Christian college. By conservative I mean that we had a curfew and weren't allowed to dance. I believe things like that shape people in different ways, I don't begrudge their rule system and for the most part I adhered to it, sure I went out drinking a couple nights and took part in the usual, "sneaking out after curfew." but I think I did okay. This post is not to ask whether or not that is appropriate but I wonder, do I rebel against that mindset now, shortly after I graduated from their seminary and followed similar rules, sure there was no curfew and chapel wasn't required but the regulations on drinking were the same.

I look at my life and wonder if my actions are like that of a college kid who is just "getting it out of the system." This is what I mean, a friend of mine asked me the other day in reference to my strong and often offensive language, " your proud of it aren't you?" my responce was simply, "oh yeah, I would be lying if I said I wasn't, I blaim it on the fall," (that is an easy way to get out of things).

But if I make my list:
I "cuss" (what's the point of a word we can't say)
I smoke (a pipe because CS Lewis did so I figure what is good for him)
I drink, (but only good beer because it is about the taste: minimum New Castle)
I dance (everyone needs to exercise and this is the only kind I like
I am a demacrat (I wonder if this is a religious thing or because my father is a republican)

All these offenses could get one thrown out of school in my undergraduate. Cussing is cussing, smoking is a sin, drinking is a sin, dancing is a sin, and being a demacrat is a sin, and all of these things lead to sex which is the biggest of all sins. I question their validity in polarities like good and bad but that doesn't matter right now. But I wonder, do I do them because they are "me" or because I am rebelious and I haven't been allowed for the last eight years (college and seminary).

Do you have anything that might fall into the same catagory? I have political views that I believe fall into these catagories as well, I am curious to hear what you think, so please respond: