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Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Urban Gardening

Thought it would be fun to grow stuff this year, then I remembered I don't have a yard. So I did the only thing I could do, I talked about getting a topsy turvy for Strawberries until my girlfriend got me one :) During my research to grow strawberries I came across a few interesting articles. So now instead of just growing strawberries, I am growing potatoes and plan on starting a worm bed for composting. so lets look at some pics.

That looks cool... especially since it has only been a week.
That is what she looks like full. 
Here are my tators chitting... I decided to grow them late in the game so they will end up in their containers before fully chitted. 

This is the goal of chitting, and this is my best chit, it needs to be almost an inch to ready, though one can plant without chitting, the potato comes in faster if they are chitted. Of course it is March and I should have started in February

Oh and I forgot these extra strawberry plants, the topsy turvy is growing better, but I haven't given up on this feller yet. 

And you may be asking, what is that? That, my friends, will become my vermicomposter. Vermicomposting uses earthworms. I haven't received my pound of worms (flesh) in the mail yet y'all will get worm pictures when I do. I will probably write a little thing on why I am choosing to compost too. But until that time... keep growing!!!

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