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Thursday, September 28, 2006

The Dempsey's

A buddy a mine told me some time ago that I needed to hear this band called "The Dempsey's" he said I would "dig" them. So last night (Wednesday) I went to Blues City Cafe on Beale in Memphis to hear "The Dempsey's." Their show was amazing. It is this Rock-a-billie band. They started with "Cry Cry Cry," by Johnney Cash, they hit an Elvis song or two, and a lot of their own stuff. At one point the bassist seemed to almost make love to his bass at some points, sometimes it would look like he was riding the bass. Often he would stand on the bass and a couple times he stood on the base playing the guitar while the guitar player played the bass he was standing on. WOW. They played so much, so long, and so fast it was exhausting for me. If you ever get the chance check out "The Dempsey's" on a scale of 1-10 on amount of ass kicked I would say 10. All the ass in that place at some point got kicked. On the level of how much Hell was played on the base from demonic-sanctified. I would say they were sanctified because they played all the Hell out of that place. Anyway, check em out. I would post a pic but since I don't have internet "that is how the hipsters say it these days" it is a pain in the neck to post pics.

Peace and Hairgrease


Rusty and Rachel said...

Wow, I hope either the bass or the bass player was wearing protection. Wouldn't want to see the kind of hybrid that love-combo would produce:).

Anonymous said...

nothing personal with the reference to W. Virginia. I love you.