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Saturday, January 07, 2006

You are not alone
Paul tells this story in to the people in Corinth were this fella gets drawn up into the third heaven and is given a thorn in the flesh. Sounds like a pious guy because he begs God to remove the thorn three times, and all three times God says no. The purpose of the thorn we find is to keep him from becoming conceited. If I were to stop the story there, I don’t think I would care to know much of this God. But being as conceited as I am I read on. God says to the fella, my grace is sufficient, my power is made perfect in weakness.

Paul then chooses to boast in his weakness. Weakness is not often something I choose to boast in. In all honesty I wake up every morning in fear of no measuring up. It is a comfort to me that Paul boasted in his weakness. Ok, so maybe it isn’t so bad to admit I can’t do everything, or even simply the things I commit to. God teaches me to rely on the community of faith.

  • Step one: We admitted we were powerless over whatever
  • Step two: Came to believe that a power greater than ourselves could restore us to sanity
  • Step three: Made a decision to turn our will and lives over to the care of God as we understood him
I think one is a good example of the other. God never meant us to do anything alone.

The twelve steps have been adapted to more than alcohol and drugs, to gambling, to eating disorder, over eating, uncontrolled emotion, toxic sexuality, toxic sin. I am a firm believer in the Bible and in the 12 steps.

If you need help, no matter the malady remember that YOU ARE NOT ALONE. God never meant us to live outside of community or to work outside of it.
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You are not alone

1 comment:

James T Wood said...

Nice encouragement, thanks for your heart for ministry.