Now that I have been given a camera as a gift... by a beautiful woman, I can fulfil my dream and take pictures of things I see while driving that are cool or rediculous. I see a lot of neat things and wish I could experience them with others this is my chance.

This cemetery is in Longtown Mississippi. Longtown does not have its own post office so all mail comes through Sarah Mississippi. This cemetery struck me because most of the town seemed to either be cemetery or farm land. I would have liked the chance to walk through the cemetery but I am already pretty macabre don't need to look more like it.

I can't help but wonder though, this town is a divit in the map. I wonder if this town has gotten smaller or if everyone in the area just gets burried here.

I thought this was the best shot and wanted it to be on top but I don't think that far ahead when I am uploading. See that rise... I wonder if it is natural or created... I wonder how far back this cemetery goes... I will ahve to look one day.
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