I never thought I would be important enough to wear a beeper, it is funny two days ago I had three on. Tonight, I have two. I have one pager that is specific to me, and the other is a general pager that the on-call chaplain carries. So when people need a chaplain at any hour of the night, they can page one, we have a chaplain on duty 24 hours a day at Methodist Hospital in Memphis. The exiciting part about being on call is that I never know what is comming, they tell us, "Eat when your hungry , sleep when you can, because you might get called at any time."
Last time I was on-call there were three death notifications, and various other things that weren't incredibly fun to help with. We see a lot of death working in the hospital, go figure, right... To help deal with this, we have been directed to write a letter to Death. The chaplains will all get together on Friday and read each other the letters. Thing is, I don't know what to say.
Dear Death,
How are you, how's your mom, remember years ago when we used to hang out, you know before they called you Death and you were just Communicable Disease?
I am curious, how do you hold your head when you deal with crossing the river styx?