Coolest lines
Remember when thinking of lines to add to this list, there has to be an edge to the lines that make them cool. Not like the guy in the PG-13 movie who you really hope makes it, but the guy in the Rated R movie you’re not so sure you know if you like yet.
I’m your huckleberry (Doc, Tombstone)
I have not yet begun to defile myself (Doc, Tombstone)
[…I love you!] I know! (Han, episode V)
Who’s your daddy, yes I am! (Zoot suit riot, Cherry Poppin Daddies)
Lots of people talking but few of them know, the soul of a woman was created below (Dazed and confused, Led Zeppelin)
Yes its true, this man has no d*ck (Peter, Ghostbusters)
How tall are you? [5 foot six sir] I didn’t know they stacked sh*t that high (Full metal jacket)
Ha ha ha Mikey, but if you call to soon you might scare off a beautiful baby who’s ready to party (Trent, Swingers)
And you will know my name is the Lord when I lay my vengeance upon thee (either God in numerous prophets, or Samuel L Jackson from Pulp fiction, it works both ways)
[you do own rubber gloves] No I rent them with the option to buy (Fletch, Fletch)
[why don't you just go by Mike instead of Michael?] No way! Why should I change? He's the one who sucks. (Michael Bolton, Office space)
Its not that I want to kill her, I just don’t want her alive anymore (Stewie, Family guy)
Leave the Gun; take the cannoli (The Godfather)
Some day, and that day may never come, I will call upon you to do a service for me. But uh, until that day, accept this justice as a gift on my daughter's wedding day." (Vito, the Godfather)
Don Corleone, I am honored and grateful that you have invited me to your home on the wedding day of your daughter. May their first child be a masculine child (Luca Brasi, The Godfather)
What other lines do you think?
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Thursday, October 20, 2005
Tuesday, October 18, 2005

I am trying to post a picture my friend Mark took of me and Sarah. I can't say Sarah is the most faithful but she can be a comfort, she has a husband you know, Abraham, she pecks the feathers off his head so I often don't put pics of him up he tends to look slightly like a vulchure. It isn't neccissarily bad she overgrooms him, that is something bird mates do. I think I am going to end up making this pic my profile pic my other is absolutely horrid, and this one is a bit better.
Today I had Abraham up on my shoulder and I took him to the bathroom so he could look at himself in the big mirror, and I tried to nudge him from behind my head to my shoulder, and he flew off, which happens, and since his wings are clipped he tends to go at an angle down, he can't get even lift. He ended up in an open toilet. Scared me to death, I don't think he can swim and it was way to deep, instantaniously my hand was below him and lifting him out of the water. I had strong feelings over the incident, and remember that if you want to make some post about a bird in a toilet. You see, these animals depend on me to sustain their life, I feed them, clean them, and make sure they are safe. I don't think of it as a God to man relationship but as a parent to child relationship. I can't imagine these animals though they aren't always nice to me being hurt and especially it being my fault. Abe was a lot more docile, but I am sure it was because he was shaken up pretty badly. I am a single so I don't have children, I spent two years as a children's minister but I am sure that is different. I still had this inherent fear in me when we went on field trips when I was in charge, thinking, "I can barely keep my life together what about these kids." That is part of the reason I got the birds, to learn to take care of another living being. I think I will be a neurotic father, at least in the beginning. Anyway I am generally not this open on the blog but I am in an open mood, I can always remove the post later if I need to.
My first word when the bird hit the water was "shit!" and my first feeling was fear. There was no question as to whether I was going to put my hand in the toilet or even give it a thought, the movements were almost instantanious. I hate to lose people and things that are meaningful to me, especially people and things I love. Sometimes this gets me in trouble because I get over protective.
On another note, have you ever listened to the words of the song "one for my baby, and one more for the road" The singer is alone in the bar... he lost someone he loved. He has no real good way to deal with it, so he listens to music and drinks. The last lines say it perfect
Well, that's how it goes
And joe I know you're gettin' anxious to close
So thanks for the cheerI hope you didn't mind
My bending your ear
But this torch that I found
It's gotta be drowned
Or it soon might explode
So make it one for my baby
And one more for the road
Through the many singers, Frank does it best.
Sunday, October 16, 2005

WARNING: I don't like to ruin anyone's movie experiences so if you have not seen Serenity yet
1. it is a really good movie
2. this post may have some spoilers
More than anything else, this is a question. I really liked the movie, it gripped me and the plot had a lot of little twists that I thought were cool.
Here is my question, I am expecting responces from all those around me who watch movies, B this means you too. If the Reavers are such bad whack jobs, killing people and eating them and stuff, how is it that they can fly ships and work together in them without killing each other?
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