For all of you who ever check out my links, because you think I am so wonderfully awesome and you want to know and like the things I know and like (don't deny it, especially you, and yes I am talking to you) I have added a new link to a place called Red Hot Lindy Hop.
I know what you are asking, what is the "Lindy Hop?" that is a very good Question. It is a dance that was created in Harlem in the 1920's and 30's. Now the term is used to define an entire family of dance. The basics of the Lindy is that it derived from the Charleston and later a simpler version called the East Coast Six-Step was derrived from it.
Regardless of its past, the dance style is wonderfully fun, and since I have been swing dancing I have had to cinch the belt down a good bit tighter, and who would argue with that.
For my dedicated readers in Memphis, especially those who are looking for something to do, I recomend you check it out. I know what your saying, "Justin, isn't the Lindy Hop supposed to be a fast and difficult dance?" and that is a good question. My answer to that is yes, but they start off teaching the East Coast and Charleston. For all of you who knew me in Spring Sing years ago you might be saying, "But Justin I couldn't hang with your smooth moves in Spring Sing, how would I do it on the dance floor?" The simple answer to that is, you don't have to. Look, I know you won't be as good as I am, but we all have to start somewhere don't we, and the beginning is a good place to start.
For all of you who know me better and can see through my quips and whatnot I want to say that I have been dancing now for over two months, and believe it or not I really enjoy it. So if you are looking for a new hobby to get into, or want to interact with new people, people probably a good bit different than you, in a good way, you know they are good in all the ways you are bad :) c'mon and dance with me... Even if you are saying things like, "I have no internal Rhythm," I would say you won't know till you try it.
So to the three of you who read my blog, c'mon I think you'll like it.