well, I have been waiting for some big theological point to hit me, and many have but to turn them into good posts would require a lot of research I am not willing to do. So I will tell you about my day.
I forgot about the resetting of the clock today until I looked at my computer this morning and it had reset itself. It was cool though becaues I woke at 8 pre reset time which really meant 7. I don't leave for church until 10:30 so I had plenty of time to get stuff done, and I did.
I filled out a timesheet for my current practicum, my practicum this semester involves the power of prayer. I found last night at three AM an email that asked me to prepare the worship experience for church this morning, last night I did some small things but lets face it, it was late So I was planning on just throwing something together this morning. Well, it turned out I had time to do better, so I put together a nice little litany of songs and readings, Biblical, Creedal, and prayer, all oriented toward missions. I go to a house church so we can do things like that, and that makes it not strange that I am planning the worship experience. I also reedited a letter that I will send to Acedemic affairs at school.
Church went really well this morning, some of our church family from Searcy was in town today so it rocked. We watched a DVD on the housechurch movement in China. Hearing what they had to say reminded me of the first few chapters of the book of Acts.
After church a friend of mine invited me to a Taize worship at a local Episcopal church. It is a neat service, focused completely on prayer.
I have been struggling in prayer, it is almost like I am wrestling to keep my mind clear. Of course when I am through this I will not be called Israel. Prayer, when I think about how easy it is, I am reminded of the difficulties thereof. Prayer is ascendance into the throneroom of God so for me not something to be taken into lightly. I grew up praying simple requests of God. God help me on this test, God help me please my parents, God make that girl like me. To the last he said to me "Justin, I don't make people like me, why would I make them like you?" Currently I think of prayer as relationship, what do I think of people who always want something from me. I don't have God grace but I have to believe that he wants more of a relationship than a child to santa clause. This causes me to have an issue with praying over meals in public or when I am rushed, because I don't know how to make prayer rushed. Currently I am seaking God and I ask that he make me a light in the darkness.
God Bless