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Wednesday, January 17, 2007

One of those things

You ever have that friend who lets you know in advance that his or her birthday is comming up. Like a month in advance they start just radomly placing it in conversation and then as it gets closer and closer they are shameless about it and just start telling you they accept gift cards and personal checks.

Well I am that friend

I was born in Wheeling West Virginia at 2:10 AM (eastern standard) on January the 18th in 1979, and I accept gift cards and personal checks.

God Bless



Jason said...

Happy Birthday! Check's on its way. I knew it was toward the end of January.


Justin P. Lewis said...

It must be in the name. I overly enjoy my birthday too. Maybe it is because I am so self-centered.
Now that I have talked about myself, do you accept belated birthday wishes over blogger comments?