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Saturday, December 30, 2006

Its about time

I have come to a very important decsion in my life and I think the blogging community needs to know about. It is theological, philisophical, and an all around good decsion. I have chosen a theme song.

I know, you have been waiting for years for me to make a final decision. I thought long and hard about this for years. I have gone over many different songs many different bands, but it took forever for that one to arise and beat out all the other songs. You ready for it?

You sure?

This gonna blow your mind. To me this song is not just a good description of me but also a ministry statement.

Well no sense in making you wait longer.

Justin Timberlake: Sexy Back


Anonymous said...

Justin, honey, I love you dearly my brother-in-law. You are twisted. And I have never looked at your back, but if it is anything like your brother's, you might want to find a different description.
I have never heard a minister ask someone to whip him if he misbehaves. That's just kinky. (listen closely to the song)
Go on, get down with your bad self! (or some hip phrase like that)
I never have a life-long theme song, just seem to find one or two at the moment that fit for awhile. Right now, I feel Fergilicious. Which, knowing me as you do, you can say that it doesn't fit me, but I dig it.

Jason said...

I don't know the song, but your post is too funny.


Anonymous said...

justin, justin, justin...

Jeremy said...

Justin, you've got the moves and here is the proof:

Sexy is back