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Monday, September 18, 2006

rebelion and what not

I went to a conservative Christian college. By conservative I mean that we had a curfew and weren't allowed to dance. I believe things like that shape people in different ways, I don't begrudge their rule system and for the most part I adhered to it, sure I went out drinking a couple nights and took part in the usual, "sneaking out after curfew." but I think I did okay. This post is not to ask whether or not that is appropriate but I wonder, do I rebel against that mindset now, shortly after I graduated from their seminary and followed similar rules, sure there was no curfew and chapel wasn't required but the regulations on drinking were the same.

I look at my life and wonder if my actions are like that of a college kid who is just "getting it out of the system." This is what I mean, a friend of mine asked me the other day in reference to my strong and often offensive language, " your proud of it aren't you?" my responce was simply, "oh yeah, I would be lying if I said I wasn't, I blaim it on the fall," (that is an easy way to get out of things).

But if I make my list:
I "cuss" (what's the point of a word we can't say)
I smoke (a pipe because CS Lewis did so I figure what is good for him)
I drink, (but only good beer because it is about the taste: minimum New Castle)
I dance (everyone needs to exercise and this is the only kind I like
I am a demacrat (I wonder if this is a religious thing or because my father is a republican)

All these offenses could get one thrown out of school in my undergraduate. Cussing is cussing, smoking is a sin, drinking is a sin, dancing is a sin, and being a demacrat is a sin, and all of these things lead to sex which is the biggest of all sins. I question their validity in polarities like good and bad but that doesn't matter right now. But I wonder, do I do them because they are "me" or because I am rebelious and I haven't been allowed for the last eight years (college and seminary).

Do you have anything that might fall into the same catagory? I have political views that I believe fall into these catagories as well, I am curious to hear what you think, so please respond:


Justin P. Lewis said...

Hello nameshare. I think I was the friend who made the "you are proud of it" comment. You would make a good preacher's kid, you live for the shock factor.
By the way, it's democrat, not demacrat. I don't blame the misspelling on you, you probably saw it very little in print down in Searcy.
For what it's worth, I think I am closer to your side than Shrock's. That doesn't really suprise me though.

Anonymous said...

As long as you are an affluent white person who gives money to charity, I say do whatever you want.

Anonymous said...

uh, I know your family, and if you are considering yourself "rebellious," then I would say that it is genetic. Your brother has even more conservative views than you do on some subjects, he is a republican (like your father), and he could have been diagnosed with "oppositional defiant disorder" as an adolescent.

All the sins you listed supposedly lead to having sex, but I don't think that is always true. There are a few exceptions to this!

Jason said...

I can't talk about my sins yet since I'm still a semi-willing drone. I wish I could be a mensch like you, Justin. Is "mensch" a cussword? I think I could get used to saying that even if it was.

I will confess that I have tried a few of these sins . . . well, not the pipe, but cigars . . . and I couldn't find a wife until I quit cussing, drinking, and smoking. So really those sins only lead to nonmonogamous sex . . . at least in my world. ;-)

Okay I thought of one. I get assignments to read books, but I read blogs instead, just to be rebellious.


Stoned-Campbell Disciple said...

Intersting post Justin. Self introspection is good for the soul - or should be. Your dilemma reminds me of Augustine in Book 2, chapter 4.9 through ch. 6 of his infamous Confessions. Augustine was "rebellious" too, he did not smoke but he did like sex and stealing pears. It was simply in doing the "forbidden" that he found pleasure not that he particularly liked pears. I love Augustine's brutal honesty.

There is nothing inherently sinful in the pipe (or cigar) though I dispise cigarettes(?), the beer (unless it is something nasty like Bud Lite) and since I cannot dance that must be a big sin, :-); I am a pacifist so I care nothing for either political parties.

Enjoy reading your confessions :) I pray that the God of grace and mercy will continue to bless you.

Bobby Valentine

T-Burns said...

Oh Brother, I'm guilty of everything on that list. Though the pipe rarely gets used. The problem is I married a conservative republican. She's not Harding conservative but enough to make life harder than it could be. We've both been more politically minded as of late and it's driven us apart. Why would God want this for us? I have no idea.

Go get yourself a Blue moon, and remember our college fun.

Anonymous said...

Dear Brother, rebellious nature runs in the family. It is also relative to the rules you followed as a child. What you listed as rebellious, is to you rebellious, though rather tame on the overall scale. I smoke cigarettes and have for 17 years, I also like the occassional rub of snuff. I've smoked pipes, though they never contained tobacco. I've drank to levels that were so detrimental, that everday I have to make a commitment to not drink for the next 24 hours, or jeopordize everything. I have been sexually immoral and have hurt far too many people by my bahavior. I ran with a rough crowd, I've been beaten up and have beat people up. I cuss, too much. I even held the coats while I watched two friends beat up a kid at the behest of his mother, to teach him a lesson for running away. The payment for this deed was a case of beer. At 28 years old I finally hit rock bottom and now am turning things around through God. I have started to strive to walk closer with God, and to do his will for me. It is a long hard road I travelled to get where I am at today. Rebellion dear brother, sometimes has a way to get out of control if you let it. I'm glad you didn't travel the same road I did. Smoke your pipe, have that occassional drink, dance your ass off, but always remember that we have a purpose and reason in this life other than ourselves. As long as you remember that you'll do ok