You'll all be happy to know, I passed my Bible knowledge exam, it is this test we have to take to graduate seminary. It is basically this test that covers all the stuff seminary professors this we should know about the Bible.
And I turned in my last final yesterday, finished it the day before.
And Sunday morning at 1:00 AM to the song "so long farewell goodbye," by the Big Bad Voodoo Daddy, I finished editing my last research paper, "Alexander Campbell's View on Slavery during the Period of the Millennial Harbinger." Emailed it with a final Sunday afternoon.
I will graduate with my Masters of Divinity on Saturday!!!
Now if I just hear one more bit of news I will consider my life on track.
Wow. I wish I could envision the day when I'll be able to echo those same words. Congratulations!
So how hard was that Bible Knowledge exam?
Well done. Go get 'em tiger. You're the champ. This one's for the Gipper. Ect.
Congratulations, Justin. We're proud for you and excited about your next step as hospital chaplain.
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