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Monday, February 27, 2006

You know there is a lot about me ya'll probably don't know.

1. Did you know how funky I really am?
2. Can you believe I only wear a size 8 shoe
3. A stands for awesome and that is me
4. I made Rainbow Bright, I knew her back in her vigialante days when she was Crossbow Bright.
5. If you'll check your awesome radar I show up, where ever you are
6. I don't have six toes
7. Close only counts in horse shoes and handgredades.
8. If you look up awesome in the dictionary you find this picture.


James T Wood said...

I move that the word "y'all" be stricken from all printed communication. It is an affront to the ears that one cannot hope to avoid while sojourning in the "South", but at least my eyes should be safe on the Web of the World. Geography does not constrain us in this digital realm, therefore we must throw off the shackles of the linguistic oppressor and find freedom from the tyranny of "y'all"

JM O'Clair said...

Is that Mr. T from the "A-Team"? What happened to his mohawk thingy and why is he white and narcissistic? :)

Chad Billy-Steve Pknicholson said...


Mark said...

Y'all is every bit as good of a contraction as "you're" or "isn't" or "doesn't". (A person who DOESN'T like to here "y'all" is welcome to stay up there in Yankee-Land) It certainly sounds much better than "youguys".

I was happy to learn that you don't have 6 toes on each foot. Does that mean you don't have 4 either?

That picture truly is awesome. I also agree with Bryan, I could tell people some other stuff they don't know about you. :-)

I didn't know of crossbow Bright, but did you know of their mutual cousin, Rambo Bright? She focussed especially on spreading the color red wherever she went, using her AK-47 paintbrush.

James T Wood said...

Please don't ever associate me with anything that ever had to do with the civil war. Oregon and Washington were non-factors (Washington wasn't even a state yet). As far as I know the "Yankee" equivalent is 'youse' or 'youse-guys' (prevalent in Boston, New York, and Philadelphia).

I am resigned to the necessity of hearing "the word", that is an unavoidable hazard one must face in this Latitudinally-Deficient land. But when I browse the InterWebLineNet, the bane of my ears should not also attack my vision.

It is commonplace for people to mangle the spoken word to such a degree as to be nearly unintelligable (e.g. "I'm fin'na gonupineh") - I humbly request that the printed word not be subjected to the same ignominy.

[The preceding is intended for humorous consumption only, taking in a method other than instructed may be hazardous]

Unknown said...

So let me make sure I am getting this correct. James Wood is declaring linguistic war on not only southern but on north easterners as well. I can accept that, mainly because I can accept James, bless his heart, is from the Northwest, and if we know anything about the northwest it is that they are plauralists and if you are not a plauralist they don't really like you. Am I reading you right James?

James T Wood said...

I believe in plurals, don't you? I thought that's what this was all about - people trying to make y'all the plural of you.

Anonymous said...

I beg to differ, not all "Yankees" say "youse." In Justin's original homeland, the correct term would be "yuns."

Unknown said...

Big talk from an anonymous poster. And just for the record the only time I had ever uttered the word "yuns" was when I read the responce.

Anonymous said...

not anonymous by purpose, dear brother in law.

Mark said...

I didn't realize James was from around the Washington-Oregon area. In that case, he's practically Canadian. I will therefore have much more patience with him, as well as with the rest of y'all/y'uns'/yousguys/youguys from that area. Afterall, James told me about the website, which buys him a lot of credibility in my eyes.

Anonymous said...

You only know awesome because you know me. You only know funky because you know me. You know I was the inspiration for all you are and all you wish to become. Remember when people would pick on you all you had to say was my brother will beat you up. Thank you for helping me remeber how great I really am.

James T Wood said...

Wow, so I have the choice of being from Yankee-land or America Jr. - you pretty much have be backed into a corner on this one.