This is my mortar and pestle. I got it from the man to the right in the picture, my Uncle, he was a C of C preacher for a while, he died a few years back and slowly I have been scavenging things of his, some cause they look cool but all because they remind me of him.
I graduate with a Masters of Divinity in May. A lot of people say, "wow you have been in school for a long time," and to them I reply, "well spiritual and emotional formation takes places slowly in some of us.
Last night I was thinking about packing up and leaving school and got sad. I know school, I don't neccissarily do it well, but I know it. And knowing it and almost nothing else, I am very comfortable with school. There aren't many who live imediatly on campus that have been here longer than I. I have seen a lot of people come and go in the four years of my education, I have had three different roomates, and at least six different apartment mates. I am every day though feeling more though that my time is comming and soon I will leave this place that is a comfort to me, and set foot into something new.
When you read tarot you can do a simple read of three cards, representing the past present and future. Currently I would view my present with the death card. The death card resembles change, a moving on, it actually has little to do with physical death. But this New Years I was thinking, I will be doing something completely different for New Years next year, I may not even be in Memphis, but I will be a diffrent person. That gives me both the feelings of sadness and hope.
Deep thoughts. Transistions are always tough and stressful, but they are the spice of life. I love the newness and challenge that new places and new situations bring.
"Remember that death is not the end, but only a transition."
In a culture where everything is going past 90 mph, isn't it nice in a way to still have those moments that we know are milestones? You'll move on, and do just fine, but you'll also probably never forget how you're feeling right now, thinking of making this big change.
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