My computer is sick, I think it has had some unprotected contact with other computers. What is funny is that I have an antivirus program, a spyware thing, and a firewall. What the heck.
Anyway... I want to give a "must read," or a "books I like" list.
Non Fiction
Mere Christianity- CS Lewis
1 Corinthians - Richard Oster
Practicing the Presence of God- Brother Lawrence
The Imitation of Christ- Thomas a Kempis
1 Maccabeas
The Book of Commin Prayer
St. Chrysostems Liturgy
Theologcial Fiction
Chronicles of Narnia- CS Lewis
Out of the Silent Planet- CS Lewis
Till they Have Faces- CS Lewis
In the Beginning- Chaim Potock
Davida's Harp- Chaim Potock
Night- Eli Wiesel
Dawn- Eli Wiesel
Jacob's Ladder- Noah Ben Shea
The Unabridged Hitchikers Guide- Douglass Adams
The Long Dark Tea Time of the Soul- Douglass Adams
The Lord of the Rings- Tolkein
Blankets- Craig Thompson
Arabian Nights - Any Good Translation
For one volume Jack Zipes/ Malphers and Mathers in 4 Volumes
This is a working list, what do you think?
Hello friend. Sorry about your ailing computer. Come visit Little Rock sometime.
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