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Monday, August 15, 2005

If you have never been in a Native American Sweat Lodge I recomend it. I have some Choctaw friends in middle Mississippi that let me sweat with them. It is an interesting process. There is this lodge built so that no heat can escape, and they keep bringing in pumice rock that has been in the fire for a couple hours.

It is a wonderful experience. I am writing about this because I have been invited to sweat again. Of course I am going to go, my last sweat was a couple months ago. There are points during the sweat I feel like I am going to drop dead and I put my face directly against the ground searching for cool air. If you have never done it I recomend you make some Native American friends and try, even for a Christian there are deep spiritual benefits.


James T Wood said...

My wife has done this with Navajo Christians in Arizona - they make it a prayer time for praying for other people. It sounds like a really valuable experience.

Kirsten Alana said...

sounds awesome justin. I would imagine a lot of parallels between cleasing oneself of what might be keeping you from God, ridding oneself of the kinds of things we hold on to that drag us down, etc.

hey, good to see you blogging! though, of course you've been at it even longer than I!